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比利时温福瑞.布鲁尼尔(Wilfried Bruyneel) ~ 2010年7月31日波品纳国际15857羽冠军

时间:2010-08-05  来源:  作者:PIPA 卢娜    发布人:admin  

    比利时温福瑞.布鲁尼尔的2010年7月31日波品纳国际15857羽冠军乃是07年生斑雄,成绩/血统显赫,连续两年优异成绩可望成为比利时2011年超长距离奥林匹克代表鸽。显赫身世, 父亲是德国布洛坎普父子的欧洲钻石(奥林匹克超长距离代表鸽冠军)、马赛王(2005马赛国际冠军)和维娜丝(波品纳全国冠军之母 2007波品纳国际冠军外祖母 + 2009马赛国际冠军祖母)等銘鸽集合体的孙代, 母亲则是比利时乔治.卡度斯的真命天子(2000波品纳全国冠军)兄弟700号的直女! 所以,鸽主说,不卖的。

De BE07-4104426 is an excellent racer and candidate to represent Belgium on the Olympiad in Poland in 2011 on the Marathon (4 races + 700 km). He wins a.o.:
1e National Perpignan 2010 against 6.436 pigeons
63e National Montelimar 2010 against 7.187 pigeons
56e Nat. Zone Montelimar 2009 against 1.334 pigeons
216e National Perpignan 2009 against 7.364 pigeons

Father is original Dr. H.P. & P. Brockamp, grandson of 'Euro Diamond' (1st Olympic Bird), Marseille King (1st Int. Marseille 2005) and Venus (mother 1st Nat. Perpignan, grandmother 1st Int. Barcelona - Menne, and 1st International Marseille 2009 at Brockamp)

Mother is direct Georges Carteus, daughter to his famous '700' who is brother to his 'Millenium' (1st Nat. Perpignan 2000), who is a son to basic breeder 'Limoges'. The grandfather of the mother at mother's side is 'Super Mario', one of the best birds ever of Georges Carteus.

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